Coaching Tip

How To Reward Your People.

Fact: We don't regularly acknowledge the people who make our career machine run. Everyone who works so hard to make us look good to our clients and management. So here's a little tool to help you remember. It's called R E W A R D S.

Two Secrets From Leonardo da Vinci That Will Rock Your World.

"I have been impressed with the urgency of doing.Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Being willing is not enough; we must do." — Leonardo da Vinci

That da Vinci character was a pretty smart guy. These words, uttered over five hundred years ago, are still true today.

What Motivates You? A Simple Checklist.

An individual can't do their job effectively without being aware of what motivates them. A supervisor/manager should be cognizant of the fact that good performance is dependent not only on the abilities of team members, but also on how well team members are motivated to perform their tasks.

It's Friday The 13th - The Most Popular Posts.

Today I just hit 400 posts on my site. It's especially momentous when it happens on Friday the 13th. (Oh my!) Here are some of my most popular posts over the past three years:

How Not To Get Angry On The Job.

"I've had a few arguments with people, but I never carry a grudge. You know why? While you're carrying a grudge, they're out dancing." - Buddy Hackett We all get angry. It's normal.

The real question is WHY we get angry. As I tell my clients, to be happy, we need to have a certain amount of control in our lives. Not totally, but we have to have a handle on many situations to ensure that we don't go quietly insane.

How To Add Style To Everything You Do.

Yes, I woke up at 4:00 this morning to catch the royal wedding. Just finished watching the new couple make it to Buckingham Palace. What impressed me was their personal style. All of the commentators profusely exclaimed about how the couple present and comport themselves today. Kate especially. Think of the pressure she must be under to act and perform according to many rules and royal mandates. So far, she's done an incredible job. She was cool, calm and confident.

The Complete Guide To Getting What You Want.

I’m excited to announce that my friend Jenny Blake’s book – Life After College: The Complete Guide to Getting What You Want, a portable life coach for 20-somethings and beyond — hits shelves this month!

How To Make Work Bearable & Fun.

You hate your job. You hate going to work. You hate your boss. You hate the people you work with. You hate your cubicle. Or it's not good or bad — just boring. You watch the clock and pray for 5 PM to roll around.

Be Smart. Know When It's Time To Quit.

I tell my clients without any sugar-coating: “It’s time for you to leave or make major changes.” But most people don’t want to hear that. They are all comfy with their routine and you know . . . in a few months everything will be fine again.

Be A Catalyst: Spread The Word.

Most clients and attendees to my talks ask me how to truly accelerate their career and business. All I say is: "Spread The Word." You see, we're all out there hoarding key information, knowledge and experience in our brains. We think if we do this, it will give us a leg up or a significant advantage over our peers and the marketplace.

You're wrong.

Want Success? Be A Giraffe.

Most executives and business owners tend to keep to themselves. Of course they go to meetings. They interact with their clients. They even give a presentation or two. But they feel they're work or product will ultimately deliver the success, money and notoriety normally associated to hard workers. They're wrong.

The Holy Grail of Getting Things Done.

Face it, we are constantly exposed to obstacles. Those pesky things which get in our way. Sometimes it’s technology, sometimes it’s people, and sometimes it’s US.But that’s what work is — a series of obstacles, problems, and hurdles we overcome. As I always say, “If it wasn’t hard, it wouldn’t be called work.”

BRAG — Toot Your Own Horn Without Blowing It.

Most people can’t sell themselves.The Best Salespeople, who obliterate their numbers every year selling products and services - have a hard time developing a personal talk-track. Accomplished Executives, who are comfortable pitching in boardrooms, convincing multi-nationals to sign on the dotted line — have a hard time in interviews for a new position.

Business Owners, day-in and day-out, have the best location, web-site, media, and business card — have a hard time coming up with a simple process to close the deal.