The Complete Guide To Getting What You Want.

It's Finally HERE!
I’m excited to announce that my friend Jenny Blake’s bookLife After College: The Complete Guide to Getting What You Want, a portable life coach for 20-somethings and beyond — hits shelves this month!
Look, I coach all age groups — from the newly minted graduate from college all the way to the energized retiree that wants to jump back into the workforce.
Jenny has focused her incredible book on that time in all our lives, when we've left college and are looking for "THE PLAN" on what to do next (and HOW to do it!). It features practical, actionable advice that helps people focus on the BIG picture of their lives, not just the details.
As Jenny describes it, “There is no need for a highlighter – this book is the highlights: a compilation of tips, quotes and exercises trimmed to the essence, divided into chapters for every major life area. Chapter categories include life (values, goals), work, money, organization, home, friends & family, dating & relationships, health, fun & relaxation, and personal growth.” She covers ALL bases.

While geared toward college graduates, the rapid-fire tips, quotes and interactive coaching exercises would serve anyone looking to find some clarity and direction in their life. To purchase your copy on Amazon (a steal — currently selling for under $12!). You can read more about Jenny on her blog at and follow her on Twitter @Jenny_Blake.
As you know, I rarely promote books on my site — but when I do, they're the best you can find. And Jenny is the BEST.