Most clients and attendees to my talks ask me how to truly accelerate their career and business. All I say is: "Spread The Word." You see, we're all out there hoarding key information, knowledge and experience in our brains. We think if we do this, it will give us a leg up or a significant advantage over our peers and the marketplace.
You're wrong.
Today, in the 21st century, people who spread their knowledge around are the ones who get the advantages the world has to offer - promotions, projects, more money, clients, customers, etc. Showing people what you know and freely giving away information makes you more attractive and influential than the person who isn't doing it.
You become an authority.
Now most entrepreneurs can do this. There is no regulation, no compliance department to deal with. But for those who work in corporate and their area is highly regulated, it might be a little harder.
I didn’t say impossible. I just said harder.
Check with management, see who is already writing and 'getting away with it'. Look to your industry — who are the mavericks out there doing it? Finally, if you hit too many roadblocks, write for your company's blog — most of them suck and are written by your PR department. I've recommended this idea to one of my clients — it will provide an incredible platform for his ideas and experience to help him get more clients.
Every word you publish out into the world is one more reason why people should do business with you. One more reason why you sell more product. One more reason why you get a new job/promotion with an incredible increase in pay.
Writing gets you noticed. Again, you become an ‘authority’ on the topics you write about. It behooves you to investigate how to start your own blog, book, facebook page, twitter account, uStream channel to spread the word.
Trust me — your career and business will skyrocket. Since I’ve taken the step to publish a post every day, my visitors have jumped from 2-5 readers to 75-100 readers every day. I get clients from all over the world calling me for my services. WOW.
Has anyone taken the step (even though it was looked down upon) and started spreading the word?
This has been another installment in my ongoing series, “Are You A Catalyst?” — today’s focus is how to get published and get noticed.