Coaching Tip

Be A Better Leader - 20 Leadership Hacks For Managers.

I managed large teams for over 15 years in corporate and have been coaching C-Level clients for 15 more. During this time, I've probably run into every scenario a manager can experience. Here are my top 20 hacks to make you a better leader (in no special order):

Be Like Jack LaLanne.

I grew up with Jack LaLanne. I used to watch him, his wife Elaine, and his dog every morning on TV. Jack taught me a lot of things about life — especially to stay positive all the time. Why be like Jack? You might know him from his juicer — but he was so much more.

How To Successfully Change Your Game.

You need to stay ahead of the curve. So if you do nothing, eventually the marketplace is going to catch up to you and pass you pretty quickly. If you do something slightly different, you’re just staving off the inevitable, it’s catching up soon.

November/December: The BEST Time To Start Your Job Search!

You think I'm crazy. Most people are powering down their searches for Thanksgiving and hibernating for the holidays. They will rocket out of their cave on January 2nd with vim and vigor to attack the marketplace.

That's crazy. It will be too late.

5 Steps To Motivate Your Team (and you).

In How To Motivate People, Fran Tarkenton, professional quarterback for the NFL and TV personality, offers a focused motivation system — "People don't change their behavior unless it makes a difference to them to do so."

Top Five Regrets of the Dying.

When questioned about any regrets they had or anything they would do differently, common themes surfaced again and again. Here are the most common five.

Your Smile Is Your Logo.

“Your smile is your logo, your personality is your business card, how you leave others feeling after an experience with you becomes your trademark.” — Jay Danzie

To Succeed, You Have To Hustle.

Are You A Pilot Or Passenger In Your Career?

Stop being the victim. Start taking control of your life and career. I want you to do one thing today that scares you.

Do The Impossible — The Country Club Technique.

Career or business changes are a lot about making things happen. We get caught up in the inertia of our fears and are afraid of making a mistake.

Be A Time Management God.

Over the past few weeks, I've been aggregating many time management tips I share with clients to get more done in the limited amount of time they have.

Be Direct & Ask For What You Want.

If you want something, ask for it. Pretty simple, eh? Actually, it's not. Many people run into external (and more frequently) internal obstacles.

Top 10 Clear Signs It's Time To Quit Your Job.

Here's my Top 10 (in no real order of importance) list why you should probably quit your current position and move on . . .

How To Get Everyone To Return Your Calls.

Most people don’t return calls. And if they do, they pick a time when it’s impossible for you to answer them (I think they strategically pick these times).

What's Holding You Back? You Are.

The more insidious of life's obstacles are your internal obstacles.

People, institutions, rules, regulations, and hierarchies all play major roles in our life. They get in our way, they make us stumble, we get frustrated, and we give up.