Coaching Tip

"I Can't Find A Job!"

The title of this post is so often repeated in the media — all the way from college students who have just graduated to middle managers who have lost their job to workers in the sunset of their career. You need to TAKE CHARGE OF YOUR LIFE.

No Listening — No Communication!

We spend so much time honing our communications skills. How to have critical conversations, how to negotiate, how to stay calm during tough discussions, etc. But we forget how to listen.

The Rules Of Job Hunting Have Changed.

How is your job hunting going? Maybe you need to reassess how you look on the web — it's not just your resume anymore.

Your Presentations Stink! Part One: Pie Charts.

How to make your presentations easy to build and easy to understand while you wow your audience.

13 Simple Tips To Get Highly-Qualified Referrals.

When you run your own business, it's hard to keep the sales funnel healthy and moving with new referrals, prospect and hopefully, clients! Most people forget about REFERRALS. Why? 

  • You hate to ask for things from other people.
  • You don't want to come off as someone who NEEDS referrals.
  • You know it sounds like begging for clients.
  • And many, many  others.

Bottom line — to run a successful business, you need constant and regular referrals.


I've linked to one of my most requested articles: Get Referrals NOW™ — 13 simple steps to start a referral flood to your business.

Each of the 13 steps have a dedicated action item to get you on your way to highly qualified and powerful referrals.

Some of the best steps:

  • Review your past referrals.
  • Be referable.
  • Train your troops.
  • Reward your referrers.

This report will radically change your 2013 business.

Check it out HERE.

Best Companies: John Neeman Tools.

In 2013, I will be highlighting many old and new companies who embrace 21st century progress and run their businesses differently from the old guard who are quickly dying off. My first is John Neeman Tools. They are a small crew of craftsmen from Latvia who use their heritage of craftsmanship handed down through many generations to design and create woodworking tools. Their process, their method and mission, keeps these traditions and crafts alive and well. In this high-tech age, their traditional craftsmanship is flourishing.

John Neeman Tools is founded by Jacob - a carpenter with love for traditional woodworking and his friend – a village bladesmith. This bond has created a premier company.

They use their hands to produce tools that will live on, to tell their story in the hands of the craftsmen after us. Each tool they make is born with energy and personality – a love and care that will be felt daily by each craftsman, a resonance from the heart of the tool.

Towering factories and belching chimneys are not their game. All of their tools are made in our small traditional workshops using equally traditional methods and techniques. Their focus is on uniqueness and quality, not quantity. They want to help people to remember how to use their hands, to relate their own human energy to their tools – to achieve the true joy of creating something from humble beginnings.

You can learn more about John Neeman Tools and their products here.