10 Reasons Why 2013 Will Be The Year You Quit Your Job.

As a general rule, I read 75-100 business/career articles each week. But once in awhile, I come across a powerful and ground-breaking idea, I just have to share it. Yesterday while reading TechCrunch, I ran across one of these articles by James Altucher.

In 10 very simple, scary, and true reasons, James lays out why you HAVE to quit your job. Basically,  The myth of corporate safety is over and here is how it currently lays out:

  1. The middle class is dead. You know it and everyone else does - time to make your next move.
  2. You’ve been replaced. Technology & robots are the new middle class.
  3. Corporations don’t like you. They never have and are getting worse by the day.
  4. Money is not happiness. Looking for that promotion or bonus? That won't make you happy.
  5. Count right now how many people can make a major decision that can ruin your life. They can fire you in an instant.
  6. Is your job satisfying your needs? It's Monday - are you really happy to hit your job (I am).
  7. Your retirement plan is for shit. We're living longer and no amount of savings is going to last.
  8. Excuses. Stop making excuses to leave the rat race. Do it today.
  9. It’s okay to take baby steps. Move slowly and take small steps toward your goals.
  10. Abundance will never come from your job. You have to build it within you.

To read the entire article (and I advise you to), click here.

It's a wake-up call for your career. I came to this conclusion 12 years ago and made my move — I've never been happier.

Also, please visit James' site - he is writing and doing great things.