How To Deliver GREAT Customer Service.

I use shaving soap. Not shaving cream from a can. That's for kids. I'm a serious shaver — I use a shaving brush (Burma-Shave, antique), with a Merkur Model 180 razor, shaving cup with shaving soap.

I thought I would try a different company for my shaving soap. Since I like the smell of Bay Rum in the morning, I checked out Ogallala Bay Rum Company out of Nebraska.

I ordered their sampler for $6.25 which included six different shaving soaps — all made with bay rum, they included — Plain Bay Rum, Sandalwood, Sage & Cedar, Limes & Peppercorns, Lemon Grass, and Sweet Orange.

Now their site isn't great — but it gets the job done. Immediately after my order, I received the customary email letting me know that my order has been processed and it's on it's way to me. The next day, I received another email including these lines:

"If we have the pleasure of serving you again in the future, please remind us that you are a returning customer….and you’ll get a little something extra with your shipment! (Actually you will this time as well!)We not only have good old-fashioned products…but good old fashioned service and customer appreciation!" (Additional products for free on my first order!)

"On another note, it is very much appreciated when someone lets us know how they discovered Ogallala Bay Rum. Was it a search for a specific product on EBay or Google… or some other search engine or web site referral? And if so, what product were you searching for? Such information will help us in our marketing efforts and help keep costs down for our customers. Any information you can provide by replying to this email is greatly appreciated!" (It doesn't hurt to ask — and it probably saves them a lot of money and frustration understanding where their customers are coming from).

"We have special sales on our products through our store on occasion and like to let our customers know as soon as they are posted so they can be among the first to get a shot at some great bargains. Please send a blank email to the address below and you will be added to the list to get a "heads up" when such listings are posted.: (A polite way to ask for your email and retain you as a client).

I received the package within a few days (normal) and opened it up. What did I receive?

  • The six soaps. Not only were they bigger than expected, they were individually wrapped to keep them dry and fresh. Most soaps aren't wrapped. Remember, these are samples.
  • A free bottle of their Bay Rum Air Freshener. Not only did it smell great, it's made of two ingredients - Bay Rum and Water.
  • An up-sell postcard — alerting me of their Cream Can Supper products. Not only did it have a specific web address, it had a QR code which I used to learn all about it. (sounds yummy!)
  • A small thank-you card hand-signed — thanking me from a person named John. He said he "appreciated my business".

How do you think I feel about Ogallala NOW? 

  • I will tell everyone I know about their products and customer service (this post is an example).
  • I will buy from them again (guaranteed).
  • I will have a good feeling about their company.

Don't you want people reacting like me about YOUR brand? Sit down today and think about how you interact with your prospects and clients:

  • Do you communicate frequently to keep them abreast of what's going on, what is happening, and when everything will be delivered and complete? OVER-COMMUNICATE.
  • Do you give away free stuff or more service than what the customer expected? START TODAY.
  • Do you communicate related offers and products? GET GOING ON THIS.
  • Do you send/give them a personalized and handwritten thank you note when the transaction/service is complete? IT'S EASY AND SIMPLE - DO IT.

Maybe you should try.

P.S. By the way, if you felt I was directing this only to entrepreneurs or company owners, you're mistaken. Every corporate worker should also take note — when I say 'customer service', replace it with boss, peers, or team. It still works.