
3 Ways To Update Your Career GPS.

It's about time. The recession is over, things are looking up, companies are hiring, executives are coming out from hiding in their offices and cubicles. For all intents and purposes, many of us have held our collective breaths for the past 2 years for this moment. It's now time to take stock of who we currently are, where we are in our career, and where we want to go.

5 Ways To Make Your Commute Bearable.

Commuting sucks. Anywhere you go, if you are on a parkway, highway, or thruway between 7-9 AM, you're probably swearing. You can blame it on anything — accidents, volume, weather — there will always be traffic congestion. You want to go 55, 65, 75 — but you're currently going 5. And the radio is just making it worse by intermixing the 15 minutes of commercials with a traffic helicopter telling you that there is traffic on YOUR route.

5 Ways To Kill Email.

Email sucks. It's a terrible communication platform (no live, two-way communication), messages are sometimes understood the wrong way, they get lost, you turn around and there are 50 new emails in your inbox, and deciding what to do (open, read, file, trash) is a frustrating process. If you're old like me (I'm 48), you probably remember the old Inbox on your desk where you received actual paper memos. Harkening back to those old times, we only received/wrote 2-3 (no more than five) memos a day. Most business was done face to face or over the phone (where real, live, two-way communication happens).

The Man Who Is Changing The World.

Salman Khan is the founder and faculty of the Khan Academy. He started the Khan Academy as a way to tutor his cousins remotely--while he was a hedge fund analyst in Boston, and they were students in New Orleans.He started posting videos on YouTube, and more and more people kept watching. It was clear there was a huge unmet need, so Sal left his hedge fund job and started Khan Academy with the mission of providing a free world-class education to anyone, anywhere.

5 Ways To Spread A Little Warmth.

It's a cold world out there. One thing that always works for me is to share a positive, enthusiastic attitude. Whenever I feel down, or when things aren't going my way, I try to instantly turn that around with a smile, a fun comment, or a positive action. Most of the time it works and as I do it, it becomes infectious, and bounces right back to me. So . . .

Two Videos: One Will Impact Your Life & One Your Work.

Rarely do I log onto one of my favorite sites (reddit.com) and find two great videos I have to share. So in honor of the day after Thanksgiving, where we all take a collective sigh of relief and relax (except for those who are braving our stores). Enjoy!

What's Missing From Your Thanksgiving Table This Year?

Sweet Potatoes? Peas? Squash? Corn? No.Is it a loved one who passed away this year? Is it a family member who is serving our country overseas? Let's all take a moment and express our love and gratitude for all the people in our lives. But today, I would like to go a little deeper — what's missing from your INNER Thanksgiving table this year?

3 Ways To Step Back & Look At The Big Picture.

We all get caught in the minutiae. And it's not our fault. Our job, our life, even our world makes us focus on the small things. That's how we get things done. But sometimes, even if it's once a year, you need to step back, pick up your head, and see the entire picture. But for many of us, that's hard to do. Why?

Do You Keep Your Nose To The Grindstone?

To grind corn in the old-time grist mills, corn was fed through a hole in the runner stone, and then, by means of centrifgugal force, was carried between two great stones, grinding all the way. However, these two great stones never touched.

Tough Times Never Last. Tough People Do.

I run a high-performance peer-advisory group — a great bunch of people who know what they want and know how to get it. The other day, one member recognized that everyone around the table 'survived' the past recession and are still in business. Some were still skeptical that the recession was over, but most agreed that tough times were behind us. Then one person said, "And this is the time to go for the gold. To think big. To take our businesses where we want them to go before the rest of the marketplace gets wise and catches up."

Do You Have The Girlfriend Effect?

What's the Girlfriend Effect? Remember in high school, if a boy didn't have a girlfriend, it was pretty darn near impossible for him to attract one? But if the boy did have a girlfriend, all her friends seemed to flock over to him and be instantly interested in him?

Do You Have A Career "Plan B"?

You just missed the last recession, hopefully things are getting better. You're getting quite adept at dodging the executioner's axe — ducking at the last minute while watching fellow peers are summarily dismissed. Are you talented or just lucky? At my last corporate gig, I managed to have seven bosses in six years. Six LONG years.

How To Connect With Key People.

I attended a NSA (National Speakers Association) meeting last night. I know . . . after a full day at work, I spent additional hours in a cramped, hot hotel room looking at slides. I wouldn't change it for the world.