Most people don’t return calls. And if they do, they pick a time when it’s impossible for you to answer them (I think they strategically pick these times).
You Can Be The Best You Can Be.
3 Critical Skills of Effective Leaders.
Great leaders translate vision into decisive action — a skill that's especially vital in tough times. But what are those skills? Do you have a blind spot? Should you be doing more? First off — great leaders do three things — no more, no less:
- They motivate their people.
- They deliver information when required.
- They help their people with obstacles.
That's it. As a leader, if you find yourself doing anything else, you're doing too much. Now let's look at each one:
They motivate their people.
The most successful leaders are those with the best people skills, especially during the most difficult circumstances. Poor communication and interpersonal relationships routinely thwart leaders who are otherwise technically competent. In order to succeed, leaders must be fully engaged with the individuals who make up their organization. This means an array of capabilities like coaching, mentoring and how to give constructive feedback which reinforces the behavior and motivation of your peak performers. The best tool to learn how to motivate is Dale Carnegie's: How to Win Friends and Influence People.
They deliver information when required.
What does this really mean? Incredibly efficient two-way communication. And the cruel joke is that most leaders had the chops to make their way up the ladder and succeed — now the skills that got them there (getting things done) have no place in leadership. You now have to communicate to your team to get things done. This is where most C- and VP level executives fail - you need to lead with greater impact by applying emotional intelligence to manage your team. The best tool to effectively communicate is Daniel Goleman's: Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ.
They help their people with obstacles.
Here's the mistake all leaders make. When their people come to them with a problem — they spend time helping them brainstorm, choose and sometimes execute a solution. I've seen this happen time and time again. Great leaders ask their people to come to them when they have a problem, but they also require their people to come with a solution too. 80-90% of the time, that solution is usually the best one and the team member is further empowered to make those tough decisions. On the off chance (that 10-20%) that your people might be wrong, you're there to help them investigate other options. For optimal delegation, seek out Michael Abrashoff's: It’s Your Ship: Management Techniques from the Best Damn Ship in the Navy.
At the end of the day, you need to build a leadership style that creates trust, sets a clear vision and guides your entire team toward greater performance and profit.
Top 10 Most Read Articles In 2014.
Every year, I go back and track my website analytics to uncover what articles really resonated with my readers. Here are my top ten for 2014 to get you ready for 2015!
1. The Most Important Thing You Should Do In The Shower.
Acknowledge and feel gratitude for all the special things in your life.
2. How To Network Like A Pro.
Last night, I was invited to attend a gala event at the prominent investment firm in NYC. Here are some key techniques that I used to make the night a fruitful and productive one.
3. Build The Best Standing Desk For Your Office.
Lately, I’ve been reading about the healthy aspects of standing desks and learned about all the attributes of standing: better posture, more active, easy to reach items, etc.
4. Be Like Jack LaLanne.
I grew up with Jack LaLanne. I used to watch him every morning on TV. Jack taught me a lot of things about life — especially to stay positive all the time.
5. How To Eliminate Guilt About Not Doing Everything.
Some Shiny Objects are good. Some are bad. Let’s talk about the BAD Shiny Objects.
6. Be A Better Leader – 30 Leadership Hacks For Managers.
Here are my top 30 hacks to make you a better leader.
7. Top Five Regrets of the Dying.
8. Five Tips To Fix A Bad Relationship With Your Boss.
9. Hitting A Wall In Your Career? You Need A Breakthrough.
10a. You’re Not Charging Enough For Your Services - Part One
10b. How To Charge More For Your Services. - Part Two
I received a huge response from readers who requested a number of techniques to help them raise their pricing. It became a two-part article. Enjoy!
If you truly want to change your life, career, or business this year. Check out my complimentary Test Drive.
Why Your Good Leadership Isn't Great.
Good To Great. An incredible book by Jim Collins — relates how certain companies overcame their obstacles and pushed themselves from being just good companies to the stars of their industry. How they made the leap, what they did, and what they didn't do. How can you make the leadership leap with your team and go from just being a good leader (and that isn't bad at all) to a great leader? Here are some basic qualities most leaders use and how to kick each one up a notch to great:
Hitting A Wall In Your Career? You Need A Breakthrough.
You Will Own The Room! Or How To Present Effectively.
A Client Made Me Feel Wonderful Today.
"There's not a day that goes by that I don't draw on some of the expertise that Super-Coach Rich Gee has shared with me over the past two years. My natural inclination is to start the day with whatever is in front of me and let chaos reign.
But there's this little Rich Gee voice inside my head saying, "Get organized, use your Action Plan Checklist - don't open up your email until 10 AM!" Damn him!
So instead of being scattered, I have a daily action plan that organizes my work and keep me on track. I set goals, get rid of the excuses, make things happen, and get much more accomplished than I ever expected.
If you are seriously willing to make successful changes in how you operate your business, your schedule, your goal-setting, and aspirations, then have that one conversation with Rich Gee.
It will change your life. The real question is: Are YOU ready for it?"
- Dawn Reshen-Doty, President at Benay Enterprises, Inc.
Why I Attended My Coaching Session This Morning.
The Two Most Important Days Of Your Life.
“The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.” — Mark Twain What a powerful quote. But what does it really mean?
And more importantly, what does it really mean TO YOU?
Some people already know — they're sure about their purpose. There are also some people who have a good idea, but they aren't 100% sure about why they're on this earth.
And then there are people who don't know. Why is that?
- They don't want to know. When they get close to learning their true purpose — they step back and shy away.
- They go through life without a purpose. They don't realize the magic of having a purpose and the power it brings.
- They vacillate from one purpose to another. This isn't a bad thing — but in the end it probably causes internal and external confusion of purpose.
So the big question is — How do you figure out your life's purpose? I have some strategies:
- Sit down and think, meditate and reflect.
- Review where you've been, what you've done, and who you've impacted/influenced so far.
- Review what things/people/activities energize you (and what ones enervate you).
- Start to finely focus your lens and cull down your choices to a few.
- Then step back and look at the whole picture.
- Finally, make a clear decision, understand what your purpose is, and move forward.
Years ago, two powerful things happened which helped me fully understand my purpose in life.
First, one of my best friends from college, Dave Taylor, recommended a book to me — Tuesdays With Morrie. I can't tell you how much this book changed my life and outlook on the world. If you haven't read it — READ IT. If you have — READ IT AGAIN.
It allowed me to briefly step off the corporate rat race mentally and better understand what are the really important things in life.
Second, I hired Karen Gregaitis, my Dale Carnegie trainer and coach to help me excel and cope with my erratic corporate leadership role. She recommended I take an assessment call Tru-Values (a tool I use with many of my clients) which allowed me to better understand the value drivers in my life.
To this day, I focus on my four values - Encourage, Energize, Enlighten & Have Fun. Wonder why I coach, write, and speak?
I'm doing what I love. ARE YOU?
P.S. If you would like to learn more about the Tru-Values assessment, let's connect.
Why Leaders Can't Coach.
"All coaching is, is taking a player where he can't take himself." - Bill McCartney When executives coach, they commonly make the mistake of downplaying their role as the boss. Confusion occurs with the associate and coaching fails.
To be clear, a boss is the one who holds people accountable for results. A coach helps people increase their skills to achieve the results.
If You're Not Moving Up, You're Going Down.
How Do You Coach Your Team?
I'm a coach. I've been working with executives and business owners for over 10 years. Prior to that, I managed large teams in Fortune 500 companies throughout the nation. I found early in my career that it was easier to motivate my staff with carrots rather than the stick. Get them to see the big picture, how they are contributing to it, and how together, we can best leverage their strengths and talents.
The Man Who Is Changing The World.
Salman Khan is the founder and faculty of the Khan Academy. He started the Khan Academy as a way to tutor his cousins remotely--while he was a hedge fund analyst in Boston, and they were students in New Orleans.He started posting videos on YouTube, and more and more people kept watching. It was clear there was a huge unmet need, so Sal left his hedge fund job and started Khan Academy with the mission of providing a free world-class education to anyone, anywhere.