I managed large teams for over 15 years in corporate and have been coaching C-Level clients for 15 more. During this time, I've probably run into every scenario a manager can experience. Here are my top 20 hacks to make you a better leader (in no special order):
Be Direct & Ask For What You Want.
The Best Time To Find A New Job Is When You Don't Need It.
Don't Small Talk, Have Courageous Conversations.
Why do people hate networking events? Usually it's full of people who are all talking small. "How's business?" " There's a lot of people here." "How's the food?" "That's a great tie."
Shoot me now. We all hate these events - executives, vendors, and business owners alike. Unfortunately, we've been told that we have to go to them to grow our business. And they're right.
The Three Most Important Words For 2019.
If 2019 Was The Best Year Of Your Life, What Would Have To Happen?
The 3 Pillars Of Success.
All Great Employees Have This Secret Ingredient.
Structure Your Thinking To Deliver Results.
High-Potential Relationships Are The Real Currency Of Business.
How Is Your Self-Esteem? It's Critical.
Six Secrets My Clients Know For 2018.
You Can Be The Best You Can Be.
A Mastermind Group Is Critical To Your Success.
Let's get right into it — You need to join/start a mastermind group. Here are the facts: WHAT is a mastermind group?
Four to seven people in the trenches just like you, who work on their business/career, and who want to learn and grow. Each member offers their current resources, tactics and tools that work for them — plus they give you support when you need it.
WHY start a mastermind group?
It's a structure that will literally pull your business forward:
- You don't get sidelined when bad things happen.
- You don't get distracted, because you’re building a critical support system.
- You have a comfort zone of success you’re accustomed to and can measure your performance.
- As you break through each ceiling, you'll need partners to pull you up.
WHO should be in your mastermind group?
Optimally, you play better tennis with people who play better than you. But I feel that diversity is the real power of your mastermind — get members from many areas/industries, age groups, etc. Surprisingly, you will all have the same issues, with subtle filters personalizing them to your business/career.
WHEN should you meet?
Usually you meet on a strict, regular schedule — bi-weekly, monthly, or quarterly. Attendance should be mandatory — your mastermind will only work if everyone is invested in its success. They run 3-8 hours, depending on the number of members, frequency of meetings, and the general 'antsyness' of each attendee.
Yes — if you find your mastermind strays off course frequently and resembles a coffee klatch. The minute it becomes disorganized, unruly or off-course, you need a facilitator. I can help.
No — if you have dedicated members who recognize the power of your group, stay focused, and share in the responsibility of facilitating, developing topics to discuss, etc.
WHAT is the PAYOFF of a mastermind group?
- Exclusive Community — it involves dedication, communication, and a true willingness to succeed.
- Not On Your Own — the feeling of being alone goes away. You get committed business/career advisors.
- Grow Your Network — you get to connect with people you never knew existed.
- Learn — bring your skills & experience to the group. Other members will have a solution for you.
- Refer — once you are true colleagues, it's easy to refer business to one another.
- Unbelievable — masterminds infinitely impact your morale, business and career.
We think our business/career security comes from making a lot of money, having a big title, or a checklist of major clients, but we're wrong. The greatest source of our security comes from close relationships with trusted friends.
To learn more about masterminds and how they can affect your business/career — let's talk.
I Found Out I Have PMR*.
I came upon a great quote from the Dalai Lama — "There are only two days in the year that nothing can be done. One is called yesterday and the other is called tomorrow, so today is the right day to love, believe, do, and mostly live."
How often do we feel disappointed/guilty about yesterday and anxious/fearful about tomorrow? Probably a lot.
How do we live in 'today' increments? How do we focus on what needs to happen right now without letting the past and future hold us back?
I use a simple acronym - P M R:
P = Plan — Take 5 minutes to Plan your day. Get real, assess exactly what needs to get accomplished, and write it down. Just the stuff that needs to be done today. Add time increments to estimate how long each will take, prioritize each one, and then plug them into your day calendar.
M = Meditate — Take 5 minutes to Meditate. Clean the cobwebs! Sit back, close your eyes, and clear your thoughts. Start by taking a few deep breaths then use the exhalation to sigh and release the tension. Do it again. And again. I promise you will feel better and energized.
R = Reflect — Take 5 minutes to Reflect on all the good things in your life. Gratitude is an important part of staying in the present. We tend to focus and think of all the bad things, worry, forget, and then start the whole process again. Try to focus on the positive this time — your accomplishments, your family, etc.
Take the rest of the time and get stuff done! Don't be afraid of diving in and accomplishing your action items — in fact, you will feel invigorated. Trust me!
*Just found out there is a disease with the same acronym (there always is) - I do not have it nor am I at all using the acronym lightly.
The 5 Behaviors Of Successful People.
When I start with clients who are in-transition, we meet at my office in Stamford and I cover the Five Behaviors Of Successful People. I do this to help them focus, get out of a mental 'rut', and move forward with enthusiasm, passion, and determination.
In retrospect, I actually cover these five areas with all of my clients, but I do it differently — I'm a bit more subtle:
TRACK & PLAN You need to know where you've been, where you are, and where you're going at ALL TIMES. This means tracking your time (schedule) minute by minute and accounting for all of your time and energy. You should be sticking to a plan, taking discrete steps each day, and taking it to its natural conclusion.
FAIL: If you're just winging your calendar or making large swaths of time blocks, you're not tracking effectively. If you don't have a plan (try setting up 90-day plans — they're manageable), you will fail.
BE BOLD One of the original taglines for my coaching practice was "Be Bold In Life". I still love it because it embodies the swashbuckler spirit that we all need to be successful in business. You need to take chances, uncover opportunities, and most of all, you need to be BOLD in your thinking.
FAIL: Just keep saying "I can't do that!". Or constantly ask for permission to do things instead of just doing them. Or not doing them because you know they're going to fail.
This is the cornerstone of my coaching philosophy — figure out what needs to be done and DO IT. Don't second guess yourself and get caught up in analysis-paralysis. Look at your options, make a decision, and take action. Worst case, if your wrong, step back, reassess, and take action.
FAIL: Procrastinate, contemplate forever and try to come up with every permutation. Push for perfection.
CHALLENGE Life is a series of challenges you must overcome to keep moving and stay happy. Work, relationships, kids, etc. are all made up of small and large challenges that we must deal with. Here's the secret — embrace each challenge with enthusiasm and vigor or you will go through life with a glass half-empty existence.
FAIL: Moan, complain, and run away from your problems. The faster you come up with a plan and deal with your challenge, the faster you will get on with your life.
OPEN UP You can spend your life closed down and not interacting with anyone or you can open your heart to the world and make a lot of new friends. Try to make a new friend every day — an acquaintance, a connection — take an avid interest in your fellow man. Most of all — SMILE!!!
FAIL: Stay home, watch TV, cocoon, close your office door, keep your head down and let your voicemail/email take over all of your connections. Oh yes — forget to smile.
It's Not Too Late To Turn Things Around.
One of my clients had a grand opening this weekend — and I made it a point to be there to help out with the crowds. It's a state-of-the-art fitness complex — the first of it's kind in Oxford — and by the size of the reception, it's going to be a huge success. As a small present, I designed and printed a banner of Greg Plitt with one of his favorite quotes:
"There are two types of pain, the one that breaks you and the one that changes you. In the gym, pain is felt as a result of weakness leaving the body. Physical pain is the glue of transformation and the pain of progress. The more you endure the harder it gets to accept the thought of failure."
What a great quote. I read it every time I'm in his studio and he pushes me past my physical limits (ouch). What happens if we apply this quote to our business/career?
"There are two types of challenges, the ones that break you and the ones that change you."
How often are you really broken down? Of course, we lose our job, we lose major clients, get yelled at by our boss or we might make a terrible decision that cost us lots of money.
But are you really 'broken' — or just powered-down for the time being?
"In business, loss is felt as a result of weakness leaving the body."
Too often, we tend to hang onto loss — we dwell on it — we make it a scar that we feel everyday. It keeps us from taking additional chances and bold decisions. We get gun-shy — we are afraid of making the same mistake again.
Will you REALLY make the same mistake again? Or are you coming up with excuses not to try something new that will take you out of your comfort zone?
"Business/Career loss is the glue of transformation and the pain of progress."
The bedrock of any business/career is TRANSFORMATION. You can't stand still — you have to innovate constantly to stay ahead of the competition. If you don't — you're taken off the main endcap shelf and tossed in the bargain bin.
"The more you endure the harder it gets to accept the thought of failure."
As you know, I regularly listen to 'How I Built This' — an NPR podcast where they interview successful business owners and how they got there. What's the one consistent theme I hear in every interview? FAILURE - LOSS - TRYING AGAIN.
If you grow a thicker skin when exposed to failure — it's easier to take bolder chances. Try it — it's fun.
Building Up From The Ashes.
What would you do if your website burnt down? Not literally, but if some catastrophic purge happened and you lost your entire website — all the copy, images, blog posts, testimonials — everything? You'd have to start FRESH. From the beginning. It would be a lot of work — but you'd get it done. And guess what — it would be better. Fresher. Newer. And it would probably bring in more clients.
Sometimes our career or business tends to get clogged up like an old set of drain pipes. Early on, water flowed through them perfectly — but as time wore on, they got gummed up with tired old slogans, artwork, and promotions.
Why? Because we don't see outside of our bubble.
- "It's good enough."
- "It says what I want it to say — even though I wrote it years ago."
- "That old business card still works — don't change it."
- "Everyone loves my holiday cards — I send the same one every year."
- "I have the perfect sales close — it works every time!"
FACT: If you don't change — you might go out of business or lose your job.
We have to tear down to rebuild. To start anew on a firmer foundation — to reach new customers and clients. To boldly go where no one has gone before.
Spring/Summer is here and it's time to clean house:
- Maybe a new logo is in order. A new font, shape, graphic might add energy to catch people's eyes.
- New coloration for your branding/signage. The wrong color/shade can date your company so quickly.
- A more responsive and attractive website that says less and does more. People don't have time to read pages of copy. Less is more - get right to the point and tell them what they need to know.
- Develop a new filing system for your desk. Make yourself more efficient and clear the decks.
- Clean your systems. Clean/replace your laptop, phone, etc.
- A new wardrobe, hairstyle, glasses, body. Stand back and be critical — maybe that hairstyle from the 80's isn't working anymore (I don't have that issue).
Every company and executive needs to update their image. If you don't, first impressions might turn potential clients and opportunities in the opposite direction. Yikes!
Are You In Group 'A' or 'B'?
I run into so many people who complain how they can't find a job, or get a promotion, or find new, great clients (Group 'A'). I also run into people who find a job quickly, get that promotion, and regularly find great clients (Group 'B').
What is the difference between Groups 'A' & 'B'?
- Group 'A' has developed the most perfectly formed excuse structure holding them back from success.
- Group 'B' fights their big fears every day, dismisses the weak ones, and gets shit done.
What do they do?
- Group 'A' blames their weaknesses, the market, their age, other people, and how customers demand so much more. They moan about their bad luck, how no one wants them, and how other forces are impacting their success.
- Group 'B' doesn't play that game. There is no time for blaming. They figure out what needs to be done and they do it. They realize it's going to be hard, they will be tested, and they will have to push themselves harder than ever before.
What happens in the end?
- Group 'A' plays the same broken record every day and suddenly find that half of 2017 has passed them by. They're still without a job, with no promotional opportunities (and their current position on the chopping block), and clients disappearing at an alarming rate.
- Group 'B' gets the interview and offer. They get the promotion and raise they asked about. They go after and get even bigger clients - bigger than they ever dreamed.
Which group are you currently in? What group do you want to be in?
Extra Credit . . . How To Be In Group 'B':
- Stop looking and finding excuses for your situation. You're a smart boy/girl — you know exactly what the problem is. Get out there and take action.
- Be Bold In Life - Start taking chances — not wild-ass ones, think about your next steps and then move!
- Ask for forgiveness, not permission — this is my mantra — reach out to that unreachable person, ask for that raise, go after that affluent client.
- Do It NOW - Don't wait for 'the right time'. There's no time like the present. "Action expresses priorities." - Gandhi
- Stop procrastinating because you're 'afraid'. This is a No Whining Zone — no one is going to change your diaper.
Face Your Fears.
“The best things in life are on the other side of your maximum fear.” – Will Smith
Every so often, an incredible video comes along and changes the way you see your life. This is one of those videos.