
To Succeed, You Have To Hustle.

Are You A Pilot Or Passenger In Your Career?

Stop being the victim. Start taking control of your life and career. I want you to do one thing today that scares you.

Ethics - The Only Way To Be A True Leader.

eth-ics (noun) - that branch of philosophy dealing with values relating to human conduct, with respect to the rightness and wrongness of certain actions and to the goodness and badness of the motives and ends of such actions. Right and Wrong. Good and Bad. And the most important part - the motive and ends of such actions. There are many executives out in the marketplace today that know what they are doing is wrong . . . and bad.

How David Beats Goliath or When Underdogs Break The Rules.

Gladwell again uses history to reinforce his argument that with the proper planning and doing something different (something that your opposing team (i.e., competition) isn't expecting) even though you are the underdog — you will succeed.