Already hitting small obstacles in 2019? You started out so well and now, for some reason, you seem to be hitting the same wall that you always encounter when you try to make an upward move in your career.
Let’s talk "VCP". It's an old BNI acronym for the words: VISIBILITY & CREDIBILITY = PROFITABILITY. Simply, if you are more visible to the people that matter, you then have an opportunity to show your credibility. And if you succeed in convincing them about your credibility, you then access profitability, or the ability to grow your business.
This simple acronym can easily be applied to executives in corporate or business owners trying to grow their business. We get caught in our career — DOING our business — but forgetting to GROW our business. We forget the simplicity of VCP. For example:
VISIBILITY — When was the last time you stepped out and networked aggressively outside of your contact sphere?
If you're an executive:
When was the last time you went to lunch with a key player outside of your group? Do you do it every week? You should.
When did you reach out to your peers in your industry (outside of your company) to have lunch?
When did you reach out to leaders in your community (not industry) to have coffee/lunch?
When was the last time you spoke at an industry meeting? Went to an industry meeting?
If you own a business:
Get out and meet people. Your office neighbors, colleagues in your industry.
Join a networking group. Make it a regular event.
Use signage, brochures, blog, guest speak at client events. Be a billboard for your business.
Do what you say you're going to do. This is a major dysfunction of many executives and businesses. They say YES to too many things, they over-promise (people pleasers) and under-deliver.
Over-Deliver. Always add something special and extra to every client deliverable. Surprise them!
Ask past clients and managers to talk you up (i.e., on LinkedIn recommendations).
Build up a history of knocking it out of the park. Be assertive, be bold!
If you start with VISIBILITY and add CREDIBILITY, you will quickly encounter PROFITABILITY.
Businesses will begin to get more clients, better clients, bigger clients.
Executives will begin to get the better projects, more exposure, promotions and more money.