Coaching Tip

You Will Own The Room! Or How To Present Effectively.

One of the best ways to grow your practice is to speak to large audiences and give them actionable knowledge. Once you do that - they have ‘test-driven’ the car, now they want to buy.

Top 10 Tools I Use To Work Anywhere.

I have a number of systems and tools to help me be my best at any time for my clients and also be able to boot up my office virtually — anywhere at anytime.

How To Say Goodbye To Co-Workers On The Last Day Of Your Internship.

I thought I would give back to all the interns who have worked for me and have coached with me. Here are some great responses (from colleagues) who experienced a classy goodbye from an intern.

Ethical Leadership — You Need A Mastermind Group.

In Napoleon Hill's bestselling book, Think & Grow Rich, he introduces a practice called The Master Mind Group. As an executive who wants to succeed, you should regularly assemble a grouping of professionals who will help you learn, understand and grow.

To Grow Your Business, Leave Your Door Open Whenever Possible.

If you've ever been to college, this is THE small piece of advice that my brother gave me when I went off to school: "If you want to fit in and make a LOT of friends at college, leave your door open whenever possible." Why?