Thinking Big vs. Thinking Small.

Find yourself thinking small? Too afraid to think big? Think Big: Take chances. Think Small: Take no chances.

Think Big: Meet New People, Target important contacts, Touch Movers & Shakers Think Small: Stay within your current group of contacts and colleagues.

Think Big: Spend money, Invest in your business, Grow your career. Think Small: Don't spend money, hunker down and wait for the issues to go away.

Think Big: Speak in front of people, Go after bigger and bigger groups, Attract influentials. Think Small: Keep your ideas to yourself, Think of writing a book, Never complete it.

Think Big: Take on more than you can chew, Push yourself, Reach higher (and higher). Think Small: Keep things in context, Don't push yourself, Stay within your box.

Think Big: Inspire people, Get their attention, Be a BILLBOARD. Think Small: Do the same things and expect a different outcome.

Think Big: Challenge yourself, Change the game, Make It HAPPEN. Think Small: Be content.

Think Big: Consult with experts, Ask questions, Challenge the status quo. Think Small: You know enough.

Think Big: GROW. Think Small: SHRINK.

It's that simple.