Coaching Tip

I Haven't Been Sick In 6 Months.

Sounds crazy, but it's true. Let me be candid — I can't get sick. I have 25 clients that need me everyday, I do workshops all over the country, and I am in the middle of writing a new book. Combine that with running a full-tilt business — financials, taxes, marketing, miscellaneous — and you have a recipe for disaster — if I fall ill.

How To Be Successful Every Day.

It's Monday! Time to hit work after a wonderful weekend . . . check your email . . . get ready for all those wonderful meetings . . . and make sure you schedule for all the work coming down the pike this week. Whoops! Forgot to tell you something . . . Most executives tend to forget that their job isn't supposed to crank out work (okay - that's part of your job - but just follow my thinking for a bit).

Laid Off? Check This Out.

Recommended by Chris Brogan (he's the best!), this message and movement will ROCK YOUR WORLD.

More than 130,000 advertising professionals have lost their jobs in this Great Recession. Lemonade is about what happens when people who were once paid to be creative in advertising are forced to be creative with their own lives.

Five Reasons Why Leaders Fail (& Why Failures Lead).

It's hard to be a leader in today's economy. Add that you need equal parts of courage, vision, empathy, and reality (Peter Koestenbaum's Leadership Diamond) AND get your work done, it's almost impossible. I've reduced my list of hundreds down to five reasons.