
My Best Practice to Get 100x Results.

A lot of people ask me — "Rich, how can you be so happy all the time?" "How do you get on your coaching calls at 6 AM with vigor?" "How do you do it?" I have a secret. And it's time I let you in on it.

No — it's not medication.

It's a book. A book that I use every morning and evening.

A book that helps me in the morning center myself to prepare for the day ahead and to easily reflect in the evening.

It's called The Five Minute Journal. And it's GREAT. Why? Because it takes 5 minutes to fill out.

It's easy. It's fast. And it WORKS.

Every morning, I get up, take a shower, get dressed and sit on my deck and fill out the top part of the page. I read the inspiring quote to get me in the right frame of mind and then quickly list three things I am grateful for today. It could be my health, my family, my marriage, my home, my work, etc.

I then list three things that would make today GREAT. What could I do to make the day more powerful, more inspiring, and where I can touch and change people's lives.

Finally, I write down two affirmations about myself — to help me build and maintain my self-esteem throughout the day.

That's it. Again, it only takes a few minutes — but it feels like I've filled up my enthusiasm gas tank for the day.

In the evening, before I go to bed, I sit at my desk and fill out the bottom part of the page:

  • 3 Amazing Things That Happened Today — this allows me to reflect and better understand the power of the world around me and how I fit into it.
  • How Could I Have Made Today Even Better — this is the self-improvement part — how could I have been more focused, less frustrated, more helpful, or less sarcastic, etc.

Why does it work for me? Because it stops me first thing in the morning and makes me focus in on what's really important in my life. It then catches me before I go to bed to reflect on my whole day.

The best part? The repetition of doing it every day starts to build my motivational, mental, and philosophical muscles. Every time I do it, I feel myself getting stronger. I feel myself becoming a better person who can better help the people around me.

And that's what it's all about. Get one HERE.
