Why Aren't You Working On The Big Stuff?

Your life is filled with small stuff. And sometimes, as Richard Carlson said, "Don't sweat the small stuff". Unfortunately, we get caught up handling the small stuff almost all the time.

And it takes us away from working on that one big thing which will define us. That one project to get us exposure, a promotion, and solidify our position in the organization.

Or the big thing which will allow us to exponentially grow our business to great heights. To give it the perfect acceleration to grow beyond our dreams.

But we still spend most (if not all) of our time messing around with the small stuff. Why?

  • It's easy. One and done — small things are simple to accomplish.
  • We can do lots of them. We feel we are really making progress when we do them in succession.
  • Organization. We can clean off our desk  of all the annoying papers, post-it notes, reminders in Outlook, etc. We are making progress!

Now don't get me wrong, they are important. But they shouldn't take up ALL of your waking hours to complete. You need to allocate a certain fraction of your day to work on the one or two BIG things which will ultimately define your work.

A great example is social media (read this). Lately, we've been indoctrinated to get out there and touch social media 'all the time'. Being hyper-active with social media tends to satisfy the 'small things' part of our workday (and I've been guilty of this lately). You also need to allocate time for your big thing.

So what's the ONE BIG THING you're working on this week?