Snow Wolf

GardenFork & Rich Gee Podcast!

Once again, Eric Rochow from the world-class podcast GardenFork TV has asked me to 'co-host' an episode with him!

  • We begin by talking about my love of the Snow Wolf a neat snow removal shovel.
  • We also talk about my favorite site - Cool Tools.
  • We both like Stabilicers, those strap on ice cleats that keep you from slipping.
  • We touch upon data protection begins with online backups.
  • We then move on to troubleshooting your heating system where I was able to narrow down his heating problem to a controller on one of the heat zones of his house.
  • And we close with our love of stovetop pizzas.

If you want to hear our great stories, insightful information, and some funny banter, CLICK HERE!