
How To Do The Hard Things In Life.

We all encounter 'bad' stuff that we have to do in our lives. Make the hard phone call, visit the recalcitrant client, tell your vendor bad news. We all have that terrible interaction we all hate to do. You might have to ask for a late payment, a raise/promotion, or tell a client that a project will be late. You might have to reach out to a prospective employer who might want to hire you.

So what do we do? We procrastinate — we put off — we do anything else except that one hard thing.

And it festers. It grows. And it takes on a life of it's own. Just like the 50's movie 'The Blob' with Steve McQueen, the longer we let it roll around, the faster it grows and starts killing people. Just kidding - but it was a scary movie when I was a kid.

Here's how I train my clients to do the hard things in life — we have to treat it like we're going to run a 10k race. What are the four things we need to do to prepare for a long race?

1. Practice You can't just run a 10k — you have to practice and prepare incrementally to do your best. You need to practice what you're going to say and do. Develop a series of bullet talking-points to guide you. Refine them — less is more. Then practice them until they roll off your tongue. Run them by someone you trust until you have the right mix of intensity and empathy to get your point across and get the intended result.

2. Fuel You have to eat the right foods to fuel your body. It's now time to feed the motivation part of your brain. Figure out the one thing you do to get yourself in the right state of mind with a heavy dose of mental momentum. Listen to your favorite workout song, read motivational quotes/books, call a friend who energizes you, or even workout. Do something that will instantly build your confidence and get you ready to make that connection.

3. Stretch Right before a race, everyone stretches their muscles and joint to get them ready for the 10k. I want you to do the same thing — once you build up your confidence, I want you to center yourself and focus solely on the task at hand. Meditate, close your eyes and focus.

4. Explode Get on the starting line, the gun goes off, and you explode forward with hundreds of other runners all vying for position. I also want you to explode — after practicing, fueling, and stretching — I want you to go right up to your phone, dial the number and make that call. Don't procrastinate and don't tell yourself you're not ready — you know you are. Just do it.

When you finally do it — everyone — and I mean everyone — says that it wasn't as hard as they thought. In fact, they say it's pretty easy. Now it's time to make that second call. And the third. And so on. Good Luck!

Leap Over Your Obstacles.

Reading this month's Fast Company, I came upon a wonderful interview with Bozoma Saint John, Apple Music’s Head of Global Consumer Marketing. I remember Saint John from Apple's last WWDC presentation - she’s the one part of the show that stood out for me. The reporter asked many great questions, but then asked the perfunctory question:

"What can you tell me about what you have learned about race and gender in corporate America? Some women and minorities have described the feeling of having to be twice as good to get where they want to go."

The answer From Bozoma knocked my socks off: "I always find that question quite funny, because I don't have 'another' experience. The experience I have is this:

This body, this is it. I don't have anything else to compare it to.

Frankly, I think it is unfair to me, if I did it to myself, to say, 'I wonder how this experience has been different to mine?' It would undercut my own successes and my own passion and my own journey. I really don't do that. This experience is what I have.

Do I work hard? Hell, yeah. Am I passionate about what I do? Yes. Do I hope I have a future in this? Absolutely. Do I hope nobody gets in my way? They better not."

I love what she has to say — she works hard, she is passionate about what she does, she believes she has a solid future in the industry, and most of all, don't get in her way — she will run right over you.

That is the intensity that I bring out in all of my clients — don't fret, complain, or focus on your obstacles. LEAP RIGHT OVER THEM — Don't let the bastards hold you back.

Here's her presentation at Apple's last WWDC event - she was magnificent:
