How To Become Unfireable – Part Four: Use Your Peripherals Pal!

Most executives tend to keep to themselves. They go to meetings. They interact with their clients. They even give a presentation or two. They feel their work will deliver success, money and notoriety.

Guess what? It's not enough - they're not even close!

Start standing out from the crowd. Be noticed. Have your work seen by the right people at the right time. Use your PERIPHERALS and start seeing the hidden opportunities out there.


How? Here are some tips:

#1. Broadcast your ideas. Stop messing with all the tactical stuff — think what is going to happen with your company, marketplace, or product in 6, 12 and 26 months in the future. Brainstorm with others about what you’re thinking. Put a presentation together and present it to people who matter. Get those creative juices flowing!

#2. Stick you head above the cubicle. Look around — what’s happening in your office, in your neighborhood, your marketplace, the world? If you worked for bookstores, record shops, newspapers . . . you should have seen this coming YEARS ago. But most people stick their heads in the sand. Start using your peripherals — who’s moving up, who’s going out of business, who’s getting fired, who’s making the big bucks?

#3. Go where the important people go. This is a big one — mingle with the big boys and girls. If you are an executive, have lunch with them — see how they think, tell them your ideas, mingle! If you own your own business — stop trying to go through intermediaries to get your next client or customer. Go where they go and mingle with them! If you are targeting high-income earners — hit charities, country clubs, salons, gyms — anywhere they might be.

Stick your head into the clouds - start thinking and acting that way!


P.S. If you want to learn HOW to develop a clearer vision of your upward career path, let's talk. Current clients already know this (and they have it built into their action plans). If you’re not a client . . . grab your spot now before all the spots for October are taken.