Do One Thing Today That Scares You.

Do one thing today you've been procrastinating on that scares you. Anything. Why?

  • You get something done (duh . . . Rich).
  • It's the only way you grow (okay, I see where you're going).
  • You will feel better about yourself (big win here).

Most of the time, we get down on ourselves when we don't get key stuff done. We are also even harder on ourselves when we hold ourselves back on the most important stuff.

And that feeling and those behaviors take a subtle toll on our confidence. Your confidence is one of the major players in your success in business and life. It's what drives you and makes you attractive to others. You do not want to deplete it — you want to nurture and grow it. So you need to do SCARY things.

It's the only way you will grow your confidence level. So how do you do it?

  • Call that one person that you are afraid of calling or you've been putting it off because your 'not prepared'. Just call.
  • Make an appointment with an influential mover and shaker. Today.
  • Start something that really scares you. An exercise program. Dancing. Singing. Speaking. Something.

It's doesn't matter WHAT it is. It's the action of just doing it that builds your confidence level. And that's a good thing.