Creating A Life Plan . . . Today.

Many of my clients ask how can they apply our session learnings to their personal life. I say it's easy — you just have to take the first step. My life plan system is comprised of four areas:

  1. Create A Purpose Statement. Why do you want to do this? "I want to see the world and meet new people." What do you want to change? "I want to spend more time with my kids." What do you want to add? Get out a big sheet of paper and begin thinking BIG. Use a huge Post-It notepad with markers. You want lots of room, lots of ideas - this is going to get messy! You are going to change often during this process - hone down ideas, think of new ones, and throw some out the window.
  2. Set Clear Goals. What are the specific goals you want to reach? Not "have more happiness" - where? And back to Purpose . . . Why? Take one sheet per goal and start to see how you can transfer your purpose to specific goals.
  3. Define Steps & Activities. Articulate each step you'll need to take. Who needs to help you? What will you need to do? What will you stop doing? What other resources do you need to help you move through each step? Get messy on each page - list all the steps then begin to put them in order. Then add completion dates to each activity.
  4. Take Action. Just Do it. Pick the first step - and get it done this weekend.
  5. Refine As Needed During the journey, life will get in your way. You need to be resilient and stick to the plan. Or make subtle changes as you accelerate or decelerate.

You either have to do it by yourself or have a spouse, partner or friend work with you. The better communication that you have with them (or yourself), the more successful you'll be.

In addition, having someone to do it with makes it that much more fun and powerful. And you will stick to it.