Little is written about the options available to CMOs to progress beyond their role as marketers and become key players at the executive committee level.
At the Rich Gee Group, we frequently run into many C-Level executives who want to progress to the top rung and help them develop a strategy on what they should be doing to make themselves credible contenders for the CEO berth.
Spencer Stuart has a great report (click here for the PDF) that outlines each of the 10 ways to prepare for a role as a CEO:
- Take on a general management role in an emerging market
- Broaden your skill set at every opportunity
- Gain experience in at least one non-marketing role
- Get involved in as many mission-critical, non-marketing projects as you can
- Demonstrate your credibility and track record as a commercial leader
- Develop close working relationships with other functions
- Work with the CFO to value the company’s brand assets
- Hone your communication skills
- Learn to make the tough decisions
- Find a mentor who is already a CEO or in a general management position
It's a great read. Enjoy! - Rich