3 Powerful Tips To Energize Your Team.

hugIt's Friday. It's been a hard week and you're looking forward to the weekend. Doesn't your team feel the same way? Here are some quick leadership tips to energize your troops and make them feel like a million bucks:

  1. Call them at home. Tell them how much you value their work. Make it a quick call - no more than 2-3 minutes, no business talk. Tell them that you really appreciate their service and how important they are to the company. This simple reach-out will power them for another 100,000 miles.
  2. Send them a card. Not a Hallmark card — a simple Crane stationary 4x5 card with a powerful message. Leave it on their desk.
  3. Take them out to lunch. Make it a spur of the moment thing (let them know in the morning). Tell them how much they mean to you and ask them about their ideas for the company.

We all get caught up in our work and the pressures that accompany that work. Take a step back and recognize the people that make it all happen — your team.
