The One Secret To Look More Confident.

There are hundreds of books out there. Thousands of speakers. And they all talk about confidence. But it's really easy. Here's the secret (don't tell anyone):

Walk 25% Faster and Smile.

That's it. Now you might be saying, "Rich — that stupid. I need to work on my confidence daily."

Here's the skinny:

If you walk 25% faster (just pick it up a little bit):

  • You exude confidence.
  • You look like a successful person.
  • You embody: "I've got someplace important to go and do."
  • If you don't believe me, watch this (start at 2:00 minutes in)

If you Smile:

  • It gives you confidence.
  • It deflects fear.
  • Boosts your spirits.
  • Check this out (TED speakers are some of my favorites).

Appearance says a lot about who you are and what you do. It allows you to look like the kind of person you want to be.

Look sharp — think sharp.


P.S. Do you sometimes lose confidence at work or with clients? Let's talk. I've worked with many clients who have the same problem — and we developed a successful strategy to make things happen. If you’re not a client . . . pick up the phone and call me (203.500.2421) — I offer one (and only one) complimentary session each week.