How To Have A Perfect Day, Every Day.

Did you ever have a day not only hit your expectations, but surpass them? Yesterday was one of those days for me. I started out meeting with my sales team (all 45) who were engaged, enthusiastic, and ready to hear what I had to say and what to do next for my company. In addition, one of my dear friends, BJ Flagg, president of Nurenu Brand Marketing, was my guest (her team developed and runs this site).

I then contacted my favorite barbershop - Montana For Men in Stamford and was quickly given a perfectly-timed spot to get a haircut (even though I have little to work with!).

Met with two dear colleagues for lunch — it was an introductory meeting for both of them to see if their businesses might work well together. Guess what? They both loved each other and we're planning subsequent meetings to see how we will work together as a team!

Finally, I had a two-hour, power-hour strategy session with a new client. This not only gets us off on the right foot, it allows me to clearly understand their career and make an impact immediately.

Whew - started the day at 4:30 AM and arrived home at 8:00 PM - a long day, but I'm still energized from it. The hours don't really matter — it's what I accomplished.


Think back — when was the last time you were firing on all cylinders? When your day exceeded all of your expectations? Where everyone you worked with energized you?

Now here's the hard part — what elements contributed to that day? Was it the people you worked with? The project? Your scheduling? What was it?


If it was such a good day — you were effective, efficient, and energized — can you put those pieces into play again and produce another powerful day? And another? And another?

Most of the time — we have a day which stands out — and then we go back to the old grind. I say — BREAK THE MOLD! Or in this case KEEP THE RIGHT MOLD and use it every day.

Try it — you might get addicted.


Image provided by Alex Talmon at Unsplash.