Be Bold In Life.

You know when you get so caught up in your career and life you forget things? Well I did. I was going through some papers that take me back to 2001-2002 and I saw this phrase, "Be Bold In Life". That was my original coaching 'theme' that I communicated on my business card, website, and throughout my coaching.

It's time to bring it back. What do I mean by "Be Bold In Life"? If you have to choose between:

  • Playing it safe or taking a risk — Take the risk.
  • Taking action or waiting for the right opportunity — Take action.
  • Staying in your safe, boring job or taking a new, challenging position — Jump ship.
  • Sticking with your current low-paying client or going for a higher-paying client that takes you out of your comfort zone — Go with Daddy Warbucks.
  • Thinking outside of the box or staying with what you know — Leave the box behind.
  • Doing things the 'right' way or trying something new and scary — Go for new.
  • Asking for permission or asking for forgiveness — Never ask for permission.
  • Being Ordinary or Extraordinary - Get where I'm going?

Now you might say, "Rich, there are times when I can't do this.". That's fine. I'm not saying do it ALL the time.

What I am saying is that you should incrementally introduce boldness in everything you do.

You will be surprised what happens. Be BOLD in Life.