3 Ideas To Bring A Bit More Sanity To Your Life.

I was sitting in church this Sunday and we had a simple prayer. One part really stood out for me: "We imagine a world where peace and justice are the ordinary realities of life. We dream of a planet where giving and sharing are second nature to all people. We envision an earth where joy and celebration fill the news and our lives."

Just take a second today — what if you opened your newspaper or clicked on a news link and saw this:

  • "No Fighting Recorded Anywhere On The Globe — A World Record"
  • "Soup Kitchens Overflowing With Food; All Charities Exceed Their Goals"
  • "Elected Officials, Tea Party, Occupy Wall Street, and Police All Sit Down To Solve Problems"

Okay, maybe I had a little too much 'spiced' eggnog over the weekend. But what would it be like if you read something like this?

Is it crazy? Can it never happen? We are the same civilization who sent a man to the moon, eradicated smallpox and polio, and went from TNT to nuclear bombs in 6 short years.*

Let's dial it down a little bit — what can you do in YOUR world, with all the PEOPLE you touch, in a SHORT amount of time?

  • How can you add just a little more peace and justice?
  • Where can you give and share just a little bit more?
  • What can you do to build a little bit more joy and celebration to your world?

During this season, let's see if we could do some of these things — what would happen if everyone added their little bit to the mix? Everyone took time out to add peace, giving, and joy to the world?

What would our world be like?


*P.S. I'm not wild about bombs — it's the speed, focus, and delivery of an IDEA. The Manhattan Project began modestly in 1939, but grew to employ more than 130,000 people and cost nearly US$2 billion (roughly equivalent to $24.4 billion as of 2011).

What would happen if we took $50 billion back in 2001 and eliminated petroleum from all transportation? What would our world be like today?

P.P.S. I hope I'm not proselytizing too much here — let's focus more on the philosophy — not where it came from.