Why I Love Twitter.

I've been using Twitter regularly now for exactly one year. And during that year, I have followed lots of friends and colleagues, and have made a lot of important business connections. Looking back, there is one constant that I can attribute to Twitter. It's one of the only avenues of information and connection that I utilize daily. I laugh, I learn, I follow very interesting tweets. I also have a lot of incredible people that I follow. Thank You for all your great tweets this year!

The constant: Twitter makes my life better. Not the NY Times, or the Wall Street Journal. Not the Huffington Post or Talking Points Memo. Twitter.

I find that the more that I surf news-oriented sites, the more I worry, the more I fret, the more depressed I get. I get the feeling that the job of media is to get us to worry, fret and lose hope. Why? So we come back for more.

I have a charge for you. For 30 days, I am asking myself and everyone out there to take a media fast. No more newspapers, News TV, news web sites . . . nothing. To fill that time - I'm just going to Tweet and read Tweets. How about you?

See what happens. Oh yes . . . and let me know.