It's a waste of a good year not to review your highs, your successes — your home runs:
10 Tips To Recover After A Crisis.
When life knocks us for a loop, we tend to roll with the punch and stay down. If you know boxing, you only have 10 seconds to get back up before the fight is over. That means you need to get back up ASAP and realize there will be light at the end of the tunnel and wallowing in our own misfortune will not get us there.
Social Media Is Ruining Your Life.
How many text messages do you send in a day? How many emails? Tweets? Foursquares? How many quotes/photos/links do you post on Facebook? Pinterest? How many sites do you surf to learn about the world around you?
All of this is GOOD. But it shouldn't be the end-all of what you do to communicate every day.
Do you interact with strangers anymore? Your neighbors? The shopkeeper down the street? The man at Starbucks who makes you that perfect coffee every day?
As we stretch out via the web, we are slowly and subtly closing out many people around us. Not our friends, but those people I call "Strangers". You know, the people you DON'T know and unfortunately, they don't know you either.
As we entwine our lives with more and more social media outlets, it allows us to forgo the opportunity to reach out to people we touch everyday — the waitress, the auto mechanic, the crossing-guard at the school — and have a meaningful conversation with them.
Honestly, we don't even have to talk to them anymore — they are not only strangers, they are 'non-people' in our lives.
You might say — so what? But you might be missing out on your new best friend, your new boss, or your new life partner.
A better title for this post should be "Start A Conversation".
In the next few days, start a conversation with 3-5 strangers whom you wouldn’t normally talk to:
Ask them a question, make them laugh, or give them a compliment (I really like how your arranging those oranges - how do you do that?). You also need to get a response back — and if the opportunity presents itself, have a conversation.
But this is my charge to you — you have to do it this week. Make it happen.
When Things Aren't Working - Do The Opposite.
There's a famous Seinfeld episode where George is at a very low point in his life. Nothing is working and he doesn't know what his next step should be.
You can watch it here:
What would happen if YOU did the opposite of what your instincts (fear) tell you? If what you've been doing has been delivering the wrong results, what would happen if you did the exact opposite? For example:
- If you have a bad communication channel with your boss, your natural instinct is to shy away. What if you increased your communication and asked the best channel to communicate?
- If you are reticent about attending an event, go to the event with a few friends, buy a new suit, and have new business cards printed. Engage people once you enter and act like the host.
- Having problems with a client or colleague? Instead of letting it go and fester, make a point of engaging that person and see how you can make your relationship healthier, stronger and more resilient.
So instead of doing what you ALWAYS do, try the exact opposite. See what happens — you might surprise yourself!
Powerpoint: Do You Make These 5 Simple Slide Mistakes?
#001: Bulletproof Your Career [Podcast]
The Power of Connecting With People.
106 Excuses That Prevent You From Ever Becoming Great.
The Hartford — Thank YOU!
How To Inspire People.
Top Five Regrets of the Unemployed.
Why Do Insurance Companies Think We're Idiots?
3 Things I Learned While My Plane Crashed.
The #1 Way To Communicate With Your Prospects.
What Is Social Media? It's Right Here.
Your Most Successful Social Media Tool.
20 Tips To Tune Up Your Life.
Run Out & Buy 'The Thank You Economy'.
10 Best Sites I Visit Every Day.
A lot of readers and clients have been asking me what are my favorite and most influential sites I visit. The one that get me excited about work and life. I do read a lot on the web during my off hours and find there are certain key sites who do a great job to help me stay up on business issues and personal interests. In no special order: