One of the best ways to grow your practice is to speak to large audiences and give them actionable knowledge. Once you do that - they have ‘test-driven’ the car, now they want to buy.
I have a number of systems and tools to help me be my best at any time for my clients and also be able to boot up my office virtually — anywhere at anytime.
I thought I would give back to all the interns who have worked for me and have coached with me. Here are some great responses (from colleagues) who experienced a classy goodbye from an intern.
In Napoleon Hill's bestselling book, Think & Grow Rich, he introduces a practice called The Master Mind Group. As an executive who wants to succeed, you should regularly assemble a grouping of professionals who will help you learn, understand and grow.
This is one of my favorite scenes from Mad Men where Don Draper not only grabs Kodak, he delivers a one-two knockout punch. Pay attention to his rhythm and cadence during his talk.